Welcome Isaac, Wen-Juan and Clint!

On August 1st, we had three new members join the Unckless lab. We are excited for them to be here!

  • Isaac Nevarez-Saenz is a new technician in the lab. He completed a BS in pharmacy at KU, then was a PREP scholar and worked for a peptide synthesis company. Isaac will work on all things related to in vitro antimicrobial peptides.

  • Wen-Juan Ma is a new postdoc. She comes by way of the University of Groningen (PhD), University of Lausanne (postdoc), and Amherst College (postdoc). More information is on her website (http://www.wenjuanma.com/). Wen-Juan will focus on sex-ratio meiotic drive in D. affinis.

  • Clint Rice is also a new postdoc. He did his PhD at the University of Iowa and has worked as a postdoc in the KU IRACDA program with Rob Ward. Clint is switching to the Unckless lab to work on the evolution of antimicrobial peptides. You can read more about Clint here (https://molecularbiosciences.ku.edu/clinton-rice).