Several new preprints posted

Lab members have been busy during the pandemic. We recently posted the following preprints on bioRXiv. Also, here is one take on the value of preprints (

  • Hill, T and RL Unckless. 2020. Recurrent evolution of two competing haplotypes in an insect DNA virus. bioRXiv: 10.1101/2020.0514.096024. PDF

  • Hill, T and RL Unckless. 2020. Selection and demography shape genome variation in a ‘Sky Island’ species. bioRXiv: 10.1101/2020.05.14.096008. PDF

  • Hill, T, HL Rosales-Stephens, and RL Unckless. 2020. Rapid divergence of the copulation proteins in the Drosophila dunni group is associated with hybrid post-mating-prezygotic incompatibilities. bioRXiv: 10.1101/2020.05.20.106724. PDF

  • Bravo Nunez, MA, IM Sabbarini, LE Eide, RL Unckless and SE Zanders. 2020. Atypical meiosis can be adaptive in outcrossed S. pombe due to wtf meiotic drivers. bioRXiv: 10.1101/2020.04.28.066035. PDF

  • Unckless, RL, PA Lansdon and BD Ackley. 2020. A comparative analysis of Caenorhabditis and Drosophila transcriptional changes in response to pathogen infection. bioRXiv: 977595. PDF